
Do Both Plants And Animals Have Centrioles

The functions of centrioles in plants and animals are discussed together with the construction.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Centriole?
    • Origin and History of Centrioles
  • Centriole Structure
  • Parts of a Centriole
    • Distal part
    • Central core
    • Cartwheel
  • Centriole Functions
  • Centrioles in Plant cells
  • Centrioles in Animal cell
  • Centrioles in Mitosis
  • Centrioles in Meiosis
    • Meiosis I
      • Interphase
      • Prophase I
      • Metaphase I
      • Anaphase I
      • Telophase I and cytokinesis
    • Meiosis II
      • Prophase Two
      • Metaphase II
      • Anaphase Two
      • Telophase Ii and Cytokinesis
  • Centriole vs Centrosome

What is a Centriole?

A Centriole can be defined simply equally the cylindrical (rod-shaped) organelle that is composed of microtubules and stays adjacent to the nucleus within the centrosome in eukaryotic cells. It is one of the nonmembranous organelles of the animal cell. At that place are two centrioles inside the centrosome. The centriole forms a spindle of microtubules ( a mitotic apparatus for meiosis or mitosis) and is sometimes arranged under the cell membrane to form and conduct cilia or flagella in ciliated or flagellated cells. However, the centriole is called the basal body, when it bears a cilium or flagellum.

This organelle lacks a membrane and RNA or DNA. However, centrioles exist in most lower plants (algal cells except ruby-red algae, some fern cells, male gametes of charophytes, bryophytes, ginkgo, cycads, seedless vascular plants, moss cells), and animate being cells.

Thus they are not found in cone-bearing and flowering plants such equally conifers and angiosperms. Also, they are absent in prokaryotes, yeast, and some non-ciliated or non-flagellated protozoans ( east.g amoeba). Even though centrioles are constitute in eukaryotic cells, they are not present in higher plants considering the plant cells in college plants do not use centrioles during cell division.

A labelled animal cell showing the centriole
A labeled creature jail cell showing the centriole

Origin and History of Centrioles

A ciliated cell with centrioles was the terminal common antecedent of all eukaryotes. However, some eukaryotes lineage like land plants does not accept centrioles except in their motile male person gametes. Hence the centriole is completely absent from all cells of conifers and flowering plants that do not have flagellate or ciliate gametes.

Also, it is unknown if the concluding common ancestor had one or two cilia. However, an of import gene like centrin needed for centriole growth is not found in bacteria or archaea but but in eukaryotic organisms.

Edouard Van Beneden showtime observed the centrosome as a composition of two orthogonal centrioles in 1883. Although he and Walther Flemming jointly discovered the centrosome in 1876. However, Theodor Boveri introduced the term "centrosome" and "centriole" in 1888 and 1895 respectively. In 1880, Theodor Wilhelm Engelmann named the basal body. Etienne de Harven and Joseph G. Gall independently first worked out the pattern of centriole duplication in 1950.

Centriole Structure

  • A centriole can exist visible nether a light microscope although its structure is more revealed and detailed under an electron microscope.
  • They are cylindrical in structure and are infinitesimal microtubular structures with a configuration of nine triplet fibrils.
  • Without possessing DNA, centrioles can grade their own duplicates, astral poles, and basal bodies.
  • Some accessory structures of the basal body are the basal feet, ciliary rootlets, and transition fibers.
  • Centriole lacks a membranous roofing. It is a non membranous organelle.
  • The centriole's diameter size varies at about 0.3-0.7um in length. Although some are short in length at about 0.16um and some are long with a length of 8um.
  • A cell each has a pair of centrioles in its centrosome and members of each centriole pair are at a right angle to one some other. The centrosome is a region near the nucleus.
Centriole structure
Centriole construction
Photograph Credit:
  • Centrioles accept a roll of nine peripheral fibrils. However, the fibrils are not present in the center. Thus, the system of the fibrils is called 9 + 0.
  • The fibrils in the centriole run parallel to ane another at an angle of xl°. However, each fibril has 3 sub-fibers, hence information technology is called a triplet fibril.
  • Actually, the 3 sub-fibers are microtubules (triplet microtubules) that are joined together past their margins, hence sharing the common walls composed of ii-3 proto-filaments.
  • An amorphous material called pericentriolar material surrounds the triplet microtubules (triplet fibril). This material however contains many molecules needed for the construction of microtubules.
  • Each sub-fiber ( each microtubule in a triplet) is fabricated up of small units of tubulin, which is a small monomer that can come together to form long straw-like hollow tubes.
  • The diameter of each sub-cobweb is 25nm. The three sub-fibers are named C, B, and A, starting from outside to inside. Thus, sub-cobweb B and C are incomplete considering of sharing some microfilaments whereas Sub-fiber A is complete with thirteen proto-filaments.
  • However, the adjacent triplet fibrils are connected past C – A proteinaceous linkers. The centriole centre has a rod-shaped proteinaceous mass called the hub.
  • The hub has a diameter of 2.5nm and then 9 proteinaceous strands develop from it called spokes.
  • Thus, each spoke posses a thickening called X before it unites with sub-fiber A. Nevertheless Y, another thickening is nowadays close by and is attached by connectives to both the X thickening and C – A linkers.
  • Finally, the centriole gives a cartwheel appearance in the transverse section due to the presence of radial spokes and peripheral fibrils.

Parts of a Centriole

The centriole is composed of 3 main parts, which are:

  1. Distal part
  2. Fundamental core
  3. Cartwheel

Distal part

The distal part of the centriole is defined by the triple or double microtubules. However, this role is divided into the distal and sub distal parts. Therefore, the Eukaryotic cells have a total of 9 distal parts/appendages whereas the sub-distal appendages can vary in number depending on the cell function and type.

The structure of the distal bagginess looks like turbine blades that are symmetrically arranged at the centriole'south distal end. Hither, each of the distal parts is fastened to ane of the triplets at an angle of 50° to the centriole surface.

Contrary to the distal bagginess'southward construction, the sub-distal appendages are fastened to two or iii triplets forming an bending of 90° with the centriole surface. However, the sub-distal appendages have been known to modify shape or morphology and even disappear in some instances.

Additionally, the distal and sub-distal appendages have dissimilar functions also. The sub-distal appendages act as centers of nucleation for microtubules while the distal bagginess's function is to attach the centriole during cilium formation in some cells.

Central core

The central core of the centriole is the part on which the microtubules triplets are fastened to the centriole. This office serves to stabilize the scaffold as a office of the centriole. For instance, in an organism like C. reinhardtii, this part is about 250nm long, having a Y-shaped linker and a barrel-like structure located in its inner core.


One of the most studied sub-centriolar structures is the cartwheel. However, the cartwheel structure consists of a central hub with 9 spokes radiating from information technology. And so, through a pinhead, each of these spokes/ filaments is connected to the A-tubule of the microtubules.

Moreso, the number of cartwheels varies between organisms and developmental stages. During development in Trichonympha, for example, the number of this structure (cartwheel) can vary between 7-x layers and about 2-iv layers in one case they mature.

The pinhead is an important structural office of the cartwheel. The pinhead has a hooklike protrusion and linkers located betwixt the pivot body and microtubules. Since the cartwheel has been seen to appear earlier the nine microtubules in some species. The cartwheel has been suspected to assist determine the number of the centriole'due south microtubules.

Therefore the part of the cartwheel is to found the ninefold symmetry in the organelle and also to strengthen the arrangement of triplet microtubules.

Centrioles aid sperm flagellum development and movement

Centriole Functions

After knowing about a centriole, what does a centriole do?

  1. The centrioles are involved in the germination of the spindle apparatus that plays a major function during cell division.
  2. Centrioles are located in the jail cell nucleus every bit it helps in cell division past facilitating the separation of chromosomes.
  3. However, when the centriole is absent there is a bounded error and filibuster in mitotic processes.
  4. Aside from cell division, they help in the move of the jail cell as they are involved in ciliogenesis which is the formation of cilia and flagella on the surface of the cell. Basal bodies straight cilia and flagella.
  5. The centrioles also function to form the sperm flagellum and aid sperm movement.
  6. The Sperm centriole aids in the development of the embryo after fertilization. The sperm supplies the centriole that forms the centrosome and microtubule system of the zygote.
  7. During mammalian evolution, the proper orientation of cilia through centriole positioning toward the posterior of embryonic node cells is crucial to establish left-right asymmetry.
  8. The position of the centriole also determines the position of the nucleus.
  9. Centriole as well plays an important part in the spatial system of the cell.
Centrioles aid sperm flagellum development and movement
Centrioles aid sperm flagellum development and movement
Photo credit:

Centrioles in Plant cells

Higher plants do non have centrioles. The centriole is absent from the cells of higher plants although normal mitosis yet occurs in the found with satisfactory results. All the same, Spindle fibers that facilitate the separation of chromosomes are hence produced by an organelle chosen the centrosome.

Plant cells lack centrioles but are still capable of forming a mitotic spindle from the centrosome area of the cell located just outside to the nuclear envelope. How these plants divide without centriole is that they build special vesicles from their Golgi appliance which are needed for jail cell division. Also, plant cells have a rigid cell wall that doesn't undergo any changes in structure during mitosis. However, the prison cell walls tin organize many of the microtubules that class the spindle during mitosis.

Centrioles are essential for creature cells because they pull the cell into two new cells; but in plant cells, instead of the centriole to pull them apart, their cytoplasm volition spread, and so the new cell wall will form in the centre which will atomic number 82 to the formation of two new cells.

Although centrioles are lacking in college plants, they are seen in some lower plants. The Centrioles have been seen to course during spermatogenesis (a form of cell sectionalization) in lower plants. Nonetheless, centrioles have been found in lower plants similar ferns, mosses, male person gametes of charophytes, bryophytes, Ginkgo, seedless vascular plants, and cycads.

Centrioles in Animal cell

Centrioles are establish mainly in animal cells. They are the paired organelle located virtually the nucleus in the centrosome. The centrioles are a granular mass in the animate being prison cell that serves every bit an organizing center for microtubules.

They are those cylindrical (rod-shaped) organelles that are composed of microtubules and stay adjacent to the nucleus within the centrosome in fauna cells. Centrioles are ane of the nonmembranous organelles of the animal prison cell.

There are two centrioles within the centrosome of the beast cell. The centriole however forms a spindle of microtubules ( a mitotic appliance for meiosis or mitosis) and is sometimes arranged under the creature cell membrane to form and conduct cilia or flagella in animate being cells. Even so, the centriole is called the basal body, when it bears a cilium or flagellum in the animal cell

Even so, centrioles play a major part in the jail cell partitioning of the animate being prison cell. In an animal cell, During interphase, the centrioles and other elements of the centrosome are duplicated. Centrioles are essential in beast cells because they pull the cell into two new cells.

In creature cells, the centrioles organize the pericentriolar material to produce microtubules and mitotic spindle fibers. They definitely affect the result of mitosis in creature cells.

The structure of a centriole in an animal cell can be visible nether a low-cal microscope although its structure will exist more detailed under an electron microscope. They announced cylindrical in construction and are minute microtubular structures with a configuration of 9 triplet fibrils.

Without possessing Deoxyribonucleic acid, centrioles can form their own duplicates, astral poles, and basal bodies in the fauna cell. Nevertheless, in an beast prison cell, the centriole lacks a membranous covering and each animal cell has a pair of centrioles in its centrosome with members of each centriole pair at a correct angle to one another.

The Centrioles in an beast cell even so have a whorl of ix peripheral fibrils. Though the fibrils are non present in the center. The fibrils in the centriole run parallel to one another at an angle of forty°. Notwithstanding, each fibril has 3 sub-fibers called a triplet fibril.

Actually, the 3 sub-fibers are microtubules (triplet microtubules) and an amorphous cloth chosen pericentriolar cloth surrounds the triplet microtubules (triplet fibril). This textile however contains many molecules needed for the construction of microtubules in the beast cell. And then each sub-fiber ( each microtubule in a triplet) is fabricated upwardly of small units of tubulin. Lastly, the centriole in an animal cell comprises the Distal function, the central cadre, and the cartwheel.

Centrioles in Mitosis

As one of their major function, centrioles are very essential for cell division.

Withal, during the S phase of the jail cell cycle, a new centriole is formed from protein components and is called a procentriole. At this phase the centriole is young and hence during belatedly mitosis, the procentriole begins to align at an angle of 90° with the pre-existing centriole.

As the procentriole aligns with the pre-existing (mother) centriole, its proximal end gradually gets juxtaposed to the surface of the mature centriole. This process is known as appointment and this organisation is maintained until interphase.

The poly peptide matrix (pericentriolar fabric) and centrioles (2 mature centrioles) combine to form the centrosomes. Even so, the role of centrioles in prison cell division is mainly about their own duplication. In one case the jail cell is about to divide, the centrioles get to the reverse ends of the nucleus.

During the prophase stage, the chromosomes that were duplicated during the Due south phase condense and become more than meaty. Sis chromids are as well joined together at the centromere giving them an 10-shaped body.

At the second phase of mitosis, the nuclear membrane breaks down by the phosphorylation of the nuclear lamin past kinases called Yard-CDK( Cyclin-dependent kinases), assuasive the spindle fibers to admission the chromosomes.

However, the spindle fibers eventually connect at the centromere to the chromosomes as they grow towards the chromosomes. The microtubules (spindle microtubules) adhere to a protein complex (kinetochore) assembled at the centromere. However, it is this protein circuitous that connects the spindle to the centromere of the chromosome.

Every bit soon as the chromosomes are attached to the spindle, they are separated and pulled apart. Nonetheless, as the chromosomes are pulled apart in that location is an enzymatic action on cohesin linking the chromatids that help in separating the chromatids.

In the anaphase, the sister chromatids are pulled to the reverse end of the prison cell and eventually become an independent chromosome.

During telophase the chromosome gathers together, the spindle eventually breaks downwards and the nuclear membrane and nuclei class again. The mother cell cytoplasm divides to form ii daughter cells.

Mitosis is essential every bit it provides new cells for the growth and replacement of worn-out cells.  Furthermore, during cell division, the proper development of centrosomes from centrioles is very crucial for cell division. Even though cell partition can occur when the centrosome is non present in animals, the whole process tin can be messy because the arrangement of microtubules takes more than time. Besides, the chromosomes tin can cease up getting in the wrong cell or lost even.

Centriole in Mitosis
Centriole in Mitosis
Photo Credit:

Centrioles in Meiosis

Centriole is also involved in meiosis.

Meiosis I


The cell's DNA is copied and results in 2 identical full sets of chromosomes. Still, there are two centrosomes outside of the nucleus that contains a pair of centrioles. During the interphase, microtubules extend from the centrosomes.

Prophase I

The copied chromosomes then condense into X-shaped structures. This structure can exist seen easily under a microscope. Each of the chromosomes however has 2 sister chromatids that contain identical genetic information. The chromosomes then pair upwardly in a manner that both copies of each chromosome are joined together. The pairs of chromosomes may so exchange bits of Deoxyribonucleic acid. This process of exchanging DNA is called crossing over or recombination.

At the terminate of this prophase I, the membrane surrounding the nucleus dissolves. Hence the chromosomes are released. Still, the meiotic spindle that consists of microtubules and other proteins then extends across the cell between the centrioles.

Metaphase I

The chromosome pairs eventually line upwardly next to i another along the cell's center(equator). Hence placing the centrioles at the opposite end of the prison cell with the meiotic spindles extending from them. The meiotic spindle fibers then adhere to i chromosome of each pair.

Anaphase I

The meiotic spindle then pulls the pair of chromosomes apart, pushing one chromosome to one end of the cell and the other chromosome to the opposite end. However in meiosis I, the sis chromatids stay together which is unlike from what happens in mitosis and meiosis II.

Telophase I and cytokinesis

The chromosomes complete their move to the opposite cease of the prison cell. Hence at each terminate of the cell, a total set of chromosomes gather together and a membrane is formed around each ready of chromosomes. This eventually forms 2 new nuclei. The single cell then pinches in the middle to form two separate girl cells, each of which contains a full set up of chromosomes within a nucleus. This process is called cytokinesis.

Meiosis Ii

Prophase II

Now two girl cells (each with 23 chromosomes. i.e 23 pairs of chromatids) are present. In each of the two daughter cells, the chromosome condenses again into X-shaped structures. The structure can be seen easily under the microscope. In each of the daughter cells, the membrane around the nucleus dissolves away and releases the chromosomes. However, the centrioles duplicates and the meiotic spindle forms again.

Metaphase II

In each of the two daughter cells, the pair of sister chromatids (chromosomes) line up stop to end along the heart of the prison cell. Hence the centrioles are then at the opposite stop of the girl cells. The meiotic spindle fibers at each stop of the cell then adhere to each of the sister chromatids.

Anaphase Ii

Due to the action of the meiotic spindle, the sister chromatids are and then pulled to opposite ends and these separated chromatids become individual chromosomes.

Telophase Ii and Cytokinesis

The chromosomes then complete their move to the opposite terminate of the cell and at each end, a total fix of chromosomes get together together. Then a membrane is formed around each set of chromosomes to class 2 new nuclei. This actually is the last stage of meiosis.

However, prison cell sectionalisation is non complete without another circular of cytokinesis. In one case cytokinesis is complete, four granddaughter cells occur, each with half a set of chromosomes (haploid).

Furthermore, in males, these four cells are all sperm cells whereas, in females, i of the cells is an egg cell, and the other three are polar bodies (i.e small cells that exercise non develop into eggs).

Centriole vs Centrosome

The centrosome is an of import organelle located almost the nucleus within the cell. Also, like the Centriole, the centrosome is absent-minded in some cells and multicellular organisms. Centriole and centrosome definitely do not mean the aforementioned matter but the centrosome is characterized by the combination of centrioles which are surrounded by a protein matrix (pericentriolar material).

Within the centrosome, there are 2 centrioles with a well-divers structure where the centrioles are arranged at an angle of 90° to one another. However contrary to centrioles, the centrosome has an amorphous structure. Hence during prison cell division, like the centriole, the centrosome also divides equally they motion to the opposite stop of the cell.

In cells that don't split up, the centriole is involved in the formation of cilia and flagella. However, the centrosome is involved in jail cell division where it forms spindle appliance.


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